February 1 – What Do You Want Me to Do?

Romans 12: 4 – 6  NLT

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.”

The next gift in the list we looked at yesterday is giving. “If it is giving, give generously.” You might be thinking, I struggle to pay my bills. Generosity is not my gift. There is a story told in Mark 12: 41 – 44: “Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. 42 Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins.

43 Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. 44 For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.”

Giving isn’t about the amount of money you give. Jesus isn’t impressed with the big gifts from the wealthy people because they were just giving “a tiny part of their surplus”. He loved the 2 small coins that the widow gave because she wanted to give whatever she could. There are many places in the New Testament where we are encouraged to give. God is a giving God, and we want to be like him. So we should give to our church and other places God leads us to give. If giving is your gift, continue to give generously even though you aren’t openly appreciated for it. Be thankful for all the programs and helps you make happen. Know that God commends you himself.

Leadership ability. Now there’s a gift that will likely keep you super busy. God tells you to “take the responsibility seriously”. So, plan ahead of time; show up prepared. I suspect the leadership ability brings reluctance at times. You don’t want to be the leader becasue it’s too much work. You might lead at work, but church just adds too much to your plate. If you realize you are that person who organizes things well, and you sense God calling you to work in some area of ministry, pray about it. Be willing to commit your time and skill.

“And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.” Sometimes when we commit to helping in situations, we hold a bit of a grudge inside because we aren’t sure we are really appreciated. God asks us to do it gladly. So if you are the person who sees someone struggling in some way, and you tend to stop and help – that’s a gift God has given you. He loves the fact that you are doing the thing that he would if he were present in body. He wants you to represent him.

Are any of these gifts “ringing bells in your mind”? Do you sense one of those gifts has been given to you? Pray about it. Where can you use that gift? God has a plan for you and the gift he’s given you.

Tomorrow we’ll look at some verses 1 Corinthians 12.

Our song for today is Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong UNITED