September 9 – A Fortress

This week has actually been a big week. Many of you said good-bye to your little JK child, the first time they went to school. Some of you saw your child head off to high school or college/university for the first time. You’re hoping they will be successful, and that they keep out of trouble now that they are more independent. Maybe your child headed out of town to school or a new job. September is a month of new things – even more than January, the first month of the year.

Proverbs 18: 10    (NLT)

“The name of the Lord is a strong fortress;
    the godly run to him and are safe.”



1. a large fortified place; a fort or group of forts, often including a town; citadel.

2. any place of exceptional security; stronghold.

This verse gives us a promise that will keep us steady.  Knowing that God can be a place of exceptional security is really amazing!  Our world today seems so insecure. We hear about the war in Ukraine. We know that our cost of living is going up partly because of that war and partly because of the aftereffects of the pandemic. The political scene around the world is actually not that stable. Democracies are at odds with countries with totalitarian governments. Doctors are warning us of another wave of Covid this fall. We worry about the safety of our children.  We worry about their health and social/physical development. Security is just not the password for 2022.

But God says He is a strong fortress.  That when we run to Him we are safe.  I want you to think about that today. How is God a strong fortress for you?   Perhaps you could even be bold today, and post an answer to that question – just one thing that you feel secure about because of your relationship with God.

Our song for today is Shoulders by King and Country.